Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 112 - Close-Up

We went on a grand adventure in California today! Along with my mom and mother-in-law, I decided to take the kids on a 20 minute train ride from Irvine to San Juan Capistrano. We like to go down there and visit Zoomars, a petting zoo with bunnies and guinea pigs, pony rides, and all kinds of other fun things. We thought a train ride would be a lot more fun for the kids than sitting on the freeway.

This picture was taken at the Irvine train station right before we embarked. The kids had a great time watching everything fly by on our short trip south. As we approached the San Juan Capistrano train station (the next stop from Irvine), we grabbed all four kids and tried to quickly get down the stairs and exit the train. Well, unfortunately a flood of about fifteen teenagers came charging up the stairs, blocking our exit, and changed our plans for the day. By the time we got down, the doors were closed and we were movin' again! We were trapped on the train, unsure what to do, and on our way to Oceanside..ready or not! Meanwhile, my brother had driven to San Juan Capistrano and was waiting to meet us when we got off of the train. We definitely did not hold up our end of the bargain. Hooray for unexpected detours! We embraced our misfortune, laughed, watched the beautiful ocean views out of the train windows, and waited the thirty minutes to the Oceanside stop. After running (yes, we actually did run) to catch the train back the other way, we were on our way to have some fun!

The rest of the day was full of eating yum food, the kids bathing in ice cream cones, shopping, taking pictures, and watching the kids put on a fashion show (with their new-found gift shop treasures) in the middle of old town San Juan Capistrano for a very captive audience ;)  Not what was planned for the day, in fact,  Zoomars was completely taken off of the agenda, but still a great day and will definitely always be remembered fondly!

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