Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 126 - Something You May Not Know About Me

This is the stuff my nightmares are made of. Uuuuggghhh. I have a deep, deep disgust for mayo. Just taking this picture made me nauseous. Not joking. I have a problem. As the hubs says, it's more than just a's a full-blown phobia. A mayophobia. I used to deny it, but now I realize he's right. Everyone asks what it is that weirds me out so much, but I don't have a good answer. It's just a horrible, disgusting-in-every-way, man-made material. That's all on that subject. >:{


  1. Well you have made a lot of us think twice about this Condiment That Shall Not Be Named. We don't even buy it anymore.

  2. It's so wonderful to hear that I've touched lives in such an important way ;D
